it seems as if it's beeen a heck of a long time since i have last blogged. In reality though, it's only be less than a week! lol so funny! Anyways, whats been going on with me?
FRiDAY had a doctor's appointment to check up on BABY. I was so freakin' happy that i ONLY gained 1[one] pound from my appointment last month! whooot whoooot! Hopefully this month i don't eat like a freakin'
I'm satisfied that baby is good and he/she is out the risk of having down syndrome! thats a plus! YAY! Moving on along, baby daddy and i were so bored so we took some pictures on webcam! i'll debut baby daddy on here! lol
don't mind my chubby cheek, for some reason the left side of my face was swollen that day!
We also had dinner with my parents, auntier & her bf, and my hunny and it was yummmmy! here was my outfit & look of the day! i'm an amateur so my makeup wasn't that great! and i look like a chub chub :( oh well! enjoy and 'til next blogging session! ciao!